27th – 29th May, 2007

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The third World Islamic Economic Forum was a congregation of an overwhelming 800 plus participants from various countries gathered together for the single purpose of business networking and exchange of cutting edge ideas.

The third Forum bearing the theme “Global Challenges – Innovative Partnerships” was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on the 27-29th May 2007. The Forum was attended by high profile personalities from the government and business sectors. Among them are the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, the Prime Minister of Kuwait, Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohamad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, the President of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, the Crown Prince and Deputy Ruler of Ras Al Khaimah UAE, Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al-Qasimi, the former Prime Minister of Netherlands, Ruud Lubbers, and the Mayor of Rotterdam, Ivo Opstelten.

Pertinent issues discussed include strengthening business partnership between the Muslim world, the West, China and India, enhancing innovation in the Muslim world and building tomorrow’s innovative company, accelerating trade and investments within and beyond Muslim countries, developing innovative branding and strategic positioning, and identifying ways to integrate Islamic banking into the global financial system.

Session Topics:

  • Innovation in the Muslim World – Innovating New Solutions for the Betterment of Society
  • Global Challenges and Muslim Leadership in a Globalised World
  • Muslim-Western Partnership: Making a Quantum Leap Forward
  • Succeeding as Global Entrepreneurs – Strategies for Collaboration
  • China & India: Partnership with the Muslim World
  • Accelerating Trade & Investments Within and Beyond Muslim Countries: The Way Forward
  • Developing Trade and Economic Relations with the Central Asian Republics
  • Leveraging Knowledge & Education to Unlock Innovation and Creativity
  • Innovative Branding & Strategic Positioning – Keys to Success in a Globalised World “How can Muslim companies and Enterprise create brand leadership?
  • Creating and Innovating Jobs for the Future – Roles of Government, Business and Training
  • Building Tomorrow’s Innovative Company – Securing a Competitive Advantage
  • Closing the Poverty Gap – How Government and the Private Sector can Collaborate in Development

Workshop Topics:

  • Telecommunications
  • General Trade & Other Business Opportunities
  • Integrating Islamic Banking into Global Financial System
  • Infrastructure
  • Energy and Water
  • Tourism and Travel

WIEF Businesswomen Forum 2007
“Women Entrepreneurs – theWay Forward”

Session Topics:

  • Women Entrepreneurs: Creating a Niche
  • Transforming SMEs to Global Players
  • Enhancing Creditworthiness of Businesswomen: Banker’s Perspective
  • New Essence of Business
  • Role of Stakeholders in Women Entrepreneurial Development

WIEF Young Leaders Forum 2007
“Carving a New World for Muslims: A Future Agenda”

Session Topics:

  • Carving a New World for Muslims: A Young Leaders Agenda
  • Let’s Do It Programme Discussion: Groom a Leader
  • Let’s Do It Programme Discussion: Let’s Plug-In Education
  • The Hon. Tun Musa Hitam
    Chairman, WIEF, Malaysia
  • Dato’ Nazir Tun Abdul Razak
    Chairman, WIEF Young Leaders Network, Malaysia
  • Dato’ Dr Norraesah Mohamad
    Chairman, WIEF Busineswomen Network, Malaysia
  • Veronica Pedrosa
    News Anchor, AL-JAZEERA
  • Dr. Farhan Nizami
    Director, Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, Oxford University, United Kingdom
  • Mr. Huzaime Hamid
    ISIS Malaysia Senior Fellow & Deputy Secretary-General, Network of east-Asian Think Tanks (NEAT)
  • Mr. Omar Mustapha
    Managing Principal and Director, Ethos & Company
  • Raja Ahmad Nizam
    Senior Manager, Sales&Marketing Dept, MIMOS Smart Computing, Malaysia
  • Dr. Ghassan Anabtawi
    Vice President for Developmental Affairs, Paltel Group, Palestine
  • Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop
    Minister of Finance II, Malaysia
  • Mr. Tanri Abeng
    Chairman, Telkom Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Dra. Suriyani Sidik Mokti
    President, Ikatan Wanita Penguasa Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Dr. Edit Schlaffer
    Founder, Women Without Borders, Austria
  • Ms. Geeteara Safiya Choudhury
    Adviser to the Ministry of Industries, Bangladesh
  • Ms. Sarah Akbar
    Deputy Chairman and Managing Director, Kuwait Energy, Kuwait
  • Ms. Bouthayna Iraqui Houssani
    President, Association des Femmes Chef d’Enterprises, Morocco
  • Mr. Ahmad Saleh Hariri
    Director, Regional Office, Islamic Development Bank, Malaysia
  • Dato’ Hafsah Hashim
    CEO, Small and medium Industries Development Cooperation, Malaysia
  • Ms. Mooryati Soedbyo
    President Director, PT Mustika Ratu TBK, Indonesia
  • Mr. Aslam Shah Alias
    Director, Corporate Communications, TESCO Malaysia, Malaysia
  • The Hon. Dato’ Seri Sharizat Binti Abdul Jalil
    Minister of Women, Family and Community Development, Malaysia
  • The Hon. Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
    Former Prime Minister of Malaysia and Former Chairman, Organization of the Islamic Conference, Malaysia
  • H.E. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
    President of Indonesia
  • H.E. Prof. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu (read by Mr. Tori Limangana, OIC)
    Secretary General, Organization of Islamic Conference
  • H.E. Shaukat Aziz
    Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
  • H.E. Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohamad Al-Ahmad Al Sabah
    Prime Minister of Kuwait
  • H.H. Sheikh Saud Bin Saqr Al Qasimi
    Crown Prince and Deputy Ruler, Ras Al-Khaimah Emirate, UAE
  • The Hon. Dato’ Seri Syed Hamid Albar
    Minister of Foreign Affairs, Malaysia
  • The Hon. Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Razak
    Deputy Prime Minister, Malaysia
  • H.E. Prof. Dr. Ruud Lubbers
    Former Prime Minister of the Netherlands
  • Dato’ Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin
    Minister of Entrepreneur and Cooperative Development, Malaysia
  • H.E.. Dr. Boediono
    Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Indonesia
  • Mr. Arif Naqvi
    Chief Executive Officer
  • Mr. Scott Price
    Chairman, Pacific Basin Economic Council & CEO, DHL Express Asia Pacific
  • Mr. Essa Al Ghurair
    Vice Chairman, Al Ghurair Investment LLC, UAE
  • Dr. Abdel-Malik Al-Jaber
    Vice Chairman, Paltel Group, Palestine & CEO, VTEL Holdings, UAE
  • Mr. Jackson Tai
    Vice Chairman & CEO, DBS Bank, Singapore
  • Dr. Saleh Jameel Malaikah
    Chairman, Rusd Investment Bank, Labuan Abraaj Capital, UAE
  • Dr. Rhaju Bhatia
    Fun & Joy at Work, India
  • Mr. Shayne Nelson
    Regional CEO, Middle East&North Africa and Chairman, Islamic Banking Board, Standard Chartered Bank
  • Mr. Long Yongtu
    Secretary General, Boao Forum for Asia, China
  • Dato’ Majid Khan
    President, Malaysia-China Friendship Association & Former Malaysian Ambassador to China
  • Mr. Allal Rachdi
    Director General, Islamic Centre for Development of Trade, Morocco
  • H.E. Ebrahim Rasool
    Premier, Western Cape Province, South Africa
  • The Hon. Hamdun Hameed
    Minister of Planning and National Development, Republic of Maldives
  • H.E. Kemal Unakitan
    Minister of Finance, Republic of Turkey
  • Mr. Aslambek Aslahanov
    Counsellor to the President of the Russian Federation, Russian Federation
  • Mr. Nik Najib Husain
    Deputy Director, Trade Finance&Promotion Department, Islamic Development Bank
  • Dr. Mohan Kaul
    Director General & CEO, Commonwealth Business Council
  • The Hon. Dato’ Mustapa bin Mohamed
    Former Minister of Higher Education, Malaysia
  • Dr. Mukesh Aghi
    Chief Executive Officer, Universitas 21 Global Pte Ltd, Singapore
  • Dr. Abbas Sadri
    Director, Regional Office, Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Iran
  • Mr. Agil Natt
    President & CEO, International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF)
  • Mr. Duncan Brain
    Chief Executive Officer, South East Asia, IAG, Australia
  • Mr. Christopher Graves
    President & CEO, Asia Pacific, Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide
  • Mr. Miles Young
    Chairman, Asia Pacific, Ogilvy & Mather, Hong Kong
  • Dr. Paul Temooral
    Group Managing Director, Temooral Brand Consulting
  • Mr. Hermawan Kartajaya
    Chairman, Mark Plus & Co, Indonesia
  • Mr. Thomas Martin Huebner
    Chief Executive Officer, Metro Group, Germany
  • Mr. Ng Gek-Boo
    Regional Director, International Labor Organization
  • Mr. Salahuddin Kasem Khan
    Chairman, Chittagong Skills Development Centre, Bangladesh
  • Mr. Sajjad H Karim
    Chairman, European Muslim Forum & Member of European Parliament, Belgium
  • Mr. Ivo Opstelten
    Mayor, City of Rotterdam, the Netherlands
  • Sir Iqbal Sacranie
    Former Secretary-General, Muslim Council of Britain, United Kingdom
  • Shaikh Khalid Alireza
    Chairman, Xenel Industries & Saudi Cable Company, Saudi Arabia
  • Dato Dr. Hamzah Kassim
    Chief Executive Officer, Innovation Associates Sdb Bhd, Malaysia
  • Mr. Oscar Groeneveld
    CEO, Rio Tinto Aluminium
  • Mr. Adzhar Ibrahim
    Head – Human Resource Develoment, Digi.com Berhad, Malaysia
  • Mr. Ian Buchanan
    Senior Executive Advisor, Booz Allen & Hamilton, Australia
  • Mr. Arve Johansen
    Deputy CEO & Head of Asia Region, Telenor
  • Dato’ Abdul Wahid Omar
    Chief Executive Officer, Telekom Malaysia Berhad, Malaysia
  • Mr. Chua Soon Ghee
    Principal Consultant, A.T. Kearney, Singapore
  • Mr. Fabrizio Mambrini
    Director, International Operations, Oger Telekom Limited, Saudi Arabia
  • Mr. Akmar Aker
    Chief Executive Officer, Jawwal (Platel Group)
  • Mr. Mohd Anwar Yahya
    Corporate Finance Leader, PricewaterhouseCoopers Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Mr. Ebrahim Patel
    President , South Africa Chamber of Commerce & CEO, TransAfrix Holdings, South Africa
  • Mr. Tariq Sayeed
    Former President, Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Pakistan|
  • Prof. Dr. Malik Muhammad Mahmud Al-Awan
    Distinguished Professor of Islamic Finance, International Ogranizational Centre for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF)
  • Mr. Badlisyah Abdul Ghani
    CEO, CIMB Islamic, Malaysia
  • Mr. Yakub Bobat
    Managing Director, HSBC Amanah, Malaysia
  • Dr. Ishrat Hussain
    Chairman, National Commission for Government Reforms, Pakistan
  • Dato’ Mohd Razif Abd. Kadir
    Deputy Governor, Bank Negara Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Datuk Ir. Hamzah Hasa
    CEO, Construction Industry Development Board, Malaysia
  • Ur Paskah Suzeta
    Chairperson, National Development Plalling Agency, Indonesia
  • Haji Muhammad Rafiq
    Vice Chairman, Al Ghurair Giga Gold Refinery DMCC
  • Mr. Ger van Tongeren
    Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer, Port of Rotterdam, the Netherlands
  • Eng. Saeed Dashti
    Chairman & Managing Director, Kuwait & Gulf link Transport
  • Tan Sri Dato Seri Dr. Ahmad Tajuddin Ali
    Chairman, UEM Group
  • H.E. Abdulla Sultan
    Secretary General, Federation of Chamber of Commerce and Industry, UAE
  • Dr. Ali A Allawi
    Chairman, Progas Holdings, Pakistan
  • Tan Sri Dato’ Ir Hj. Zaini Omar
    Chairman, National Water Services Commission, Malaysia
  • Datuk Dr. Victor Wee
    Secretary General, Ministry of Tourism, Malaysia
  • Mr. Erol Yarar
    President, International Business Forum, Turkey
  • Dr. Izzat Dajani
    CEO, Investment and Development Office, Ras Al Khamah Emirate, UAE
  • Dato Munir Majid
    Chairman, Malaysia Airlines Berhad, Malaysia
  • Dato’ Baharuddin Musa
    Former Director General, Tourism Malaysia
  • The Hon. Tan Sri Dato’ Hj Muhyiddin Mohd Yasin
    Minister of Agriculture & Agro Based Industry, Malaysia
  • H.E. Mari Pangestu
    Minister of Trade, Indonesia
  • H.E. Dr. Maasooma Saleh Al Mubarak
    Minister Health, Kuwait
  • Tan Sri Dr. Zeti Akhtar Aziz
    Governor, Bank Negara Malaysia, Malaysia
  • H.E. Dr. Ishrat Hussain
    Chairman, National Commission for Government Reforms, Pakistan
  • H.E. Abdul Karim Al-Arhabi
    Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, Yemen
  • Tan Sri Dr. Mohd. Yusof Noor
    Chairman, Felda Holdings Bhd., Malaysia
  • Ms. Rinalia Abdul Rahim
    Executive Director, Global Knowledge Partnership (GKP) Secretariat
  • Dato’ Dr. Michael Yeoh
    Former CEO, WIEF Foundation, Malaysia


We, the participants gathered for the 3rd World Islamic Economic Forum (WIEF) with the theme “ Global Challenges – Innovative Partnerships” in Kuala Lumpur from 27th and 29th may 2007.

APPRECIATING, the personal participation and wise counsel of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono of Indonesia, Prime Minister  Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohamad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah of Kuwait,Crown Prince Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi of Ras Al Khaimah Emirate, UAE  and Prime Minister Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi of Malaysia;

UNITED, by the common desire to build bridges, enhance international co-operation and the belief that a stronger focus on business partnerships and economic development can lead to the rapid progress of the Muslim Ummah;

APPLAUDING, the initiatives and programmes of the WIFE Businesswomen network (WBN) and WIEF and WIEF Young Leaders Network (WYN) and the effective implementation of the Nurses Training programme initiated by the WBN;

RECOGNISING, the growing potential of the World Islamic Economic Forum in catalyzing innovative strategic business partnerships amongst Muslim business people, and the continued support in its efforts by the Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC),the President of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) and Governments.


  1. Enhance business partnerships amongst Muslim businesspeople and with non-Muslim businesspeople globally and to continue to support the WIEF in its initiatives.
  2. Endorse and fully support :-
  • “GROOM A LEADER” programme initiated by the WYN which through the establishment of scholarship and internship programmes seeks to enhance the skills, knowledge and capabilities of young Muslims.
  • “LET’S LUG-IN EDUCATION” programme initiated by WYN for the provision of digital education to disadvantaged communities in the Muslim world through the accessibility to affordable computers.
  • The MoU initiated by WBN between Residence hotels and Resorts Sdn Bhd, Malaysia and Notol Niloy Group, Bangladesh for the management of a chain of ten (10) hotels.
  • The proposal to establish a WIEF GLOBAL ISLAMIC LEADERSHIP PROGRAMME, in partnership with the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies in Britain, the Executive Centre for Global Leadership in Indonesia and the Asian Strategy & Leadership Institute (ASLI) in Malaysia to provide short-term Leadership programmes based on international best practices and Islamic values.
  • The establishment of the WIEF-UiTM INTERNATIONAL CENTRE located at Universiti Teknologi MARA in Malaysia to promote collaborative research amongst institutions of higher learning and capacity building for vocational training arising from the MoU signed at the 2nd WIEF in Islamabad.

We agree to hold the WIEF Regional Forum in Dhaka, Bangladesh from 3rd to 4th November 2007.

We highly appreciate and thank H.H Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Jabir Al Sabah, the Emir of the State of Kuwait for agreeing to host the Fourth (4th) World Islamic Economic Forum in Kuwait in 2008.

RECOGNISING the importance of continued Government support and patronage and the necessity of public-private partnerships for the above initiatives and projects, we call upon the Chairman of WIEF to submit this Declaration to the Heads of States and Government and to the Secretary-General of the OIC and to disseminate this to the private sector and relevant international organizations.

We thank the Prime Minister and the Government of Malaysia for their continued strong and for hosting the 3rd WIEF and we acknowledge the contribution and support of our strategic partners,sponsors and role players.

Adopted in Kuala Lumpur on 29th may 2007